Tailored services crafted with specialist input

We pick the best team to deliver the best result

L&S Trust Services can help you navigate all areas of trust and fiduciary complexity including:

  • Formation and administration of international trusts
  • Trustee or protectorship services
  • Formation and administration of companies in Guernsey and other jurisdictions through its network of correspondents
  • Directorship services.

How we work

We start by fully understanding your requirements and legal situation, so that we can provide truly personalised advice to help you achieve your objectives.

This overview will then inform how we bring together specialists from our owners Lenz & Staehelin, as well as proven external lawyers, tax advice and other accountancy professionals from firms outside Switzerland as needed. It will also enable us to provide you with a fee proposal on request.

Neither L&S Trust Services SA nor L&S Services LP provide advice on Swiss and Guernsey law or represent clients in local litigation. However, Lenz & Staehelin can offer such advice or representation directly or through its established relationships with major law firms worldwide.